The course schedule is located within the Syllabus which can be found on the left hand side of the course’s home page – it should be in between Announcements and Modules.
If you are having issues seeing Canvas, make sure that you are using Google Chrome. If you switch to Google Chrome and the problem persists, please contact online support at onlinesupport@indianatech.edu.
The best place to find your professor’s email would be within the Getting Started module under the tab labeled Meet your Professor. You can also message your professor/instructor using Canvas messaging. Look for the inbox on your account page. It will be on the far left side of your screen in between Calendar and History. You can message fellow students and your instructor using this tool.
When creating a discussion post, you will click on the blue button in the upper right corner that says ‘+Discussion’. You will be asked to create a Topic Title and then you can then start typing directly on the screen. Or copy and paste if you’ve typed it up in a word document (which we recommend) first. To do that, you will highlight the text in the word document, then click in the discussion board text box and hit crtl v on your keyboard. Once you’ve done this you will be able to submit your post.
Please visit the Adult & Online Academic Calendar to see when the next session starts.
To register for courses, students enrolled in the College of Professional Studies (undergraduate, graduate, and online programs) and the doctoral programs need to log into their my.IndianaTech account, reach out to their Student Success Advisor , or contact the Warrior Information Network at 888.832.4742 or WIN@indianatech.edu.
To change your major, you will need to complete the Change of Curriculum form.
For any questions regarding financial aid or your refund, please contact our financial aid department either by phone or email: 800.288.1766, ext. 2334 or financialaid@indianatech.edu.
Grades for previous classes can be accessed via your degree audit. Please use the following instructions to access your degree audit on my.indianatech.edu. Your username and password are the same as what you use for Canvas. After you log in, select the academics tab and then degree audit. Next, click ‘view all details’.
Your degree audit allows you to see the progress you’ve made in your degree. It also shows your previous grades, current GPA and how many classes you have left in your degree. You can access your degree audit on the Academics tab of my.indianatech.edu.
You can find your advisor by going to your degree audit, taking a look at the staff list for the Office of Student Success to find your Student Success Advisor (listed by college and program for online undergraduate students).
You will need to contact your instructor to see if they will allow a test/quiz to be reset given your situation. We recommend emailing your professor through Canvas. You can access the Canvas inbox by looking at the far left side of your dashboard screen in Canvas. It is located in between Calendar and History.
If your professor doesn’t respond within one business day, then you will need to contact Online Support at onlinesupport@indianatech.edu
Please contact Online Support at onlinesupport@indianatech.edu.
Please contact Online Support at onlinesupport@indianatech.edu
Please contact Online Support at onlinesupport@indianatech.edu or the Warrior Information Network at 888.832.4742.
Please contact Online Support at onlinesupport@indianatech.edu.
Please contact Online Support at onlinesupport@indianatech.edu. You can also reach out to your Student Success Advisor for more information on tutoring services.
Visit letmein.indianatech.edu or contact the Warrior Information Network at 888.832.4742, WarriorInfoNetwork@indianatech.edu.
Please contact Warrior Information Network at 888.832.4742, WarriorInfoNetwork@indianatech.edu.
Please contact the Financial Aid Office at 800.288.1766, ext. 2334 or financialaid@indianatech.edu.
Please contact the Financial Aid Office at 800.288.1766, ext. 2334 or financialaid@indianatech.edu.
Please contact Warrior Information Network at 888.832.4742, WarriorInfoNetwork@indianatech.edu.
Please contact your Student Success Advisor or the Registrar’s Office 800.937.2448, ext. 2320, registrar@indianatech.edu