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First Year as a Warrior

Welcome Warrior!

We are so excited to have you join us here at Indiana Tech and look forward to learning more about you throughout your first year. The first year of college is an exciting time. To help you find success in your first year, we recommend connecting with the Office of Student Success and your Student Success Advisor at least three times each semester.

Here is how we can help:

May – August (Prior to arrival to campus)
  • New Warriors are assigned a Student Success Advisor when they begin taking classes at Indiana Tech. Student Success Advisors are assigned to students based on the academic degree program each student has chosen to declare as their major.
  • Prior to a student’s first semester, the Student Success Advisor will create the student’s first semester class schedule based on the course recommendations from faculty for students to complete during the first semester.
  • New students will receive their first semester class schedule from their Student Success Advisor via e-mail prior to their arrival to campus. New students are encouraged to contact their Student Success Advisor with any questions or concerns they might have regarding their first semester class schedule or preparing for their first semester.
August – October
  • New students can make any class/schedule adjustments through the first two weeks of the fall semester. In order to make these changes, a student must meet with their Student Success Advisor to discuss the impact the requested change might have on the student’s graduation plan.
  • New students are highly encouraged to schedule an initial check-in meeting with their Student Success Advisor by the end of September to discuss how their transition to Indiana Tech is going. New students are encouraged to schedule a “clearing” meeting in October with their Student Success Advisor to discuss courses the student should register for during the spring semester. New students will not be cleared to register for classes until they have met with their Student Success Advisor.
  • Students should plan to check in with their Student Success Advisor during this time as midterms can be a good time to evaluate, reset, and plan.
November – December
  • New students can begin scheduling themselves for spring classes once they have been cleared for registration by their Student Success Advisor, and registration begins.
  • A third check-in appointment in November is recommended with a Student Success Advisor to confirm the student has registered for the correct next set of classes for the student’s academic program and to review the student’s academic coursework during the fall semester to ensure the student is on track for the next set of classes in the spring semester.
December – January
  • New students interested in taking a course during winter break will need to meet with their Student Success Advisor. Student Success Advisors can advise students on class options that will be of most benefit to the student to take during winter break.
  • Student Success Advisors will notify new students of any grades received from fall semester classes that might benefit from being repeated during the spring semester.
January – March
  • New students can make any class/schedule adjustments through the first week of the spring semester. In order to make these changes, a student must meet with their Student Success Advisor to discuss the impact the requested change might have on the student’s graduation plan.
  • New students are highly encouraged to schedule a check-in meeting with their Student Success Advisor by the end of February to discuss how their transition to Indiana Tech is going. New students are encouraged to schedule a “clearing” meeting in March with their Student Success Advisor to discuss courses the student should register for during the next fall semester. New students will not be cleared to register for classes until they have met with their Student Success Advisor.
  • New students can begin scheduling themselves for classes for the fall semester once they have been cleared for registration by their Student Success Advisor after scheduling an individualized appointment with their Student Success Advisor.
March – May
  • Once a student has been cleared for registration by their Student Success Advisor, they can begin creating their fall semester class schedule.
  • A final check-in appointment in April is recommended with a Student Success Advisor to confirm the student has registered for the correct next set of classes for the student’s academic program and to review the student’s academic coursework during the spring semester to ensure the student is on track for the next set of classes in the fall semester.
  • Students will be given the contact information for their academic advisor in their academic program who they will begin meeting with for course advising at the start of their second year.